MY JOB as BUSINESS ANALYST but not my dream job

Hi guys,

      For really long time i didn't post anything and now here I am. Finally, I have got a job and a car after graduated from UTM. Even though, I am not sure whether my current job is my dream job or not but I need to keep on working hard to pay for my bumblebee (Axia yellow). 

    Why after several years, I suddenly decide to post something on my blog? First, because suddenly my friends talk about blog for our member that she created on 2012 and she even posted on our group whatsapp, our picture during high school 😂😂

       Second, because I have huge concern about my current job where I actually love coding but my current company only offer me to be a programmer for 3 months. But this case actually part of my fault because I told my senior Business Analyst that I actually quite stress since I am new but I need to handle 3 to 4 system to be developed. Even my technical senior just left me alone handling all system and just contact him through whatsapp if got any question. When I compared this situation with my classmate during university, they all still in learning phase where they are still in baby steps so that they can focus to improve their coding skills.

       However, I also often doubted myself whether I actually got skill to coding or I actually only good in Business Analyst work. Many people actually expect me to work on coding but whenever I told them I am working as Business Analyst, they actually questioned back 'Why work business when you actually studying to be software programmer', 'Why you not develop system anymore?'. I felt very stress and felt useless. I don't know if I actually can work in IT department or do I need to take second degree on accountancy since my mother's old job is accountant for many years and she actually loves her job.

     I seriously not sure what I should do and I don't know whether I am good in coding or not for develop large scale system. Because I don't think I still want to be business analyst since I hate to present in front of many people and I am not very good in negotiation. I actually took career test multiple time and IT is actually one of the job that I got in the result but I think I am not really intelligent to develop a system. Please help me to decide on my career since my dream is to be able provide money for my parent and support them.


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